Indirect Calorimetry


Indirect calorimetry refers to the measurement of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production. Heat measurement subsequently can be calculated using formulae to determine energy expenditure.


Metabolism is the sum of all chemical reactions occurring in the human body that are required to support body function and survival. The quantity of heat released from these chemical reactions can be measured, and then energy expenditure can be calculated. Calorimetry is the measurement of metabolism from heat release from the human body.


A doctor at the Cardiologic Hospital of Haut-Lévêque in Bordeaux, France, performs indirect calorimetry on a patient to measure inhaled levels of oxygen and exhaled levels of carbon dioxide.

A doctor at the Cardiologic Hospital of Haut-Lévêque in Bordeaux, France, performs indirect calorimetry on a patient to measure inhaled levels of oxygen and exhaled levels of carbon dioxide.
(BSIP/Getty Images)

The quantification of VO2 and VCO2 requires the measurement of four variables: inspired ventilation, expired ventilation, FEO2, and FECO2. Most exercise physiology laboratories, however, do not measure both inspired and expired ventilation because of the expense required to purchase two ventilation-measurement systems. Therefore, the majority of commercially manufactured metabolic systems function with the use of a single ventilation-measurement apparatus (typically employed to quantify expired ventilation), from which the second measurement of ventilation is mathematically derived. The Haldane Transformation ( Figure 1 ) is a sequence of mathematical steps used to solve for inspired ventilation when this value is not actually measured. This process ultimately permits exercise scientists and others to quantify oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and energy expenditure across various conditions of exercise.


Indirect calorimetry can be used to quantify the energy expenditure of various physical activities and exercise modalities. Scientific research has established a relationship between physical activity and multiple health outcomes including cardiorespiratory fitness, obesity, dyslipidemia, Type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, relative risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and relative risk of mortality from all causes. Based on these relationships, it has been noted that the health benefits of an exercise program are associated with the total weekly energy expenditure. Largely, based on these findings, a number of organizations have recommended an initial target energy expenditure of 1,000 kilocalories per week (kcal/wk) for previously sedentary individuals.


Figure 1. Steps involved in the Haldane Transformation and calculation of VO2, VCO2, and RER. Modified from Porcari, John P., Cedric X. Bryant, and Fabio Comana. Exercise. Physiology. 1st ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 2015.


Table 1. Caloric equivalents for the range of respiratory quotient (RQ) values.

Modified from Porcari, John P., Cedric X. Bryant, and Fabio Comana. Exercise. Physiology. 1st ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 2015.

Exercise professionals, or others who design exercise programs, are then encouraged to gradually progress individuals toward a goal energy expenditure of 3,000 kcal/wk. This upper target energy-expenditure goal is based on evidence from the Harvard Alumni Study showing a graded inverse dose-response relationship between relative risk of all-cause mortality and levels of weekly physical activity.

Table 1 ) permits insight into the contributions of fat and carbohydrate catabolism under various exercise conditions; further, it allows for calculation of energy expenditure.


Table 2. Metabolic equations for the prediction of energy expenditure (in terms of relative VO2, mL∙kg-1 min-1) during common exercise modalities

Conversely, the assumption of equality between RQ and RER is not appropriate under all conditions. For example, in the following scenarios, RER will not reflect RQ:

Adenosine triphosphate (or ATP)—
A high-energy phosphate molecule. The breakdown (or hydrolysis) of ATP results in the release of free energy that can be harnessed to support muscle contraction.
Cardiorespiratory fitness—
The highest rate at which oxygen can be taken up and consumed by the body during intense exercise; typically determined by maximal oxygen uptake, or VO2 max.
Abnormal amount of lipids (e.g., triglycerides, cholesterol) in the blood.
Energy expenditure—
The collective energy cost for maintaining constant conditions in the human body plus the amount of energy required to support daily physical activities.
Fractional concentration of carbon dioxide in expired air.
Fractional concentration of oxygen in expired air.
Fractional concentration of carbon dioxide in inspired air.
Fractional concentration of oxygen in inspired air.
Haldane transformation—
Sequence of mathematical steps used to solve for inspired ventilation when this value is not actually measured. The Haldane transformation permits quantification of oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and energy expenditure across various conditions of exercise.
Ratio of carbon dioxide production relative to oxygen consumption when these gas volumes reflect external respiration at the lungs.
Ratio of carbon dioxide production relative to oxygen consumption when the gas volumes reflect cellular respiration.
Standard error of the estimate (SEE)—
The measure of accuracy of predictions using standard deviation of observed values about the regression line. The SEE is calculated by dividing the error sum of squares by its degrees of freedom.
Volume of oxygen consumption.
Volume of carbon dioxide production.
Type 2 diabetes—
Long-term metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin.

The capability to accurately estimate energy expenditure during exercise is a fundamental aspect of exercise physiology, with fitness professionals and others frequently relying upon metabolic equations to prescribe exercise intensity and to determine the energy expenditure of different exercise modalities. Previous studies utilizing various exercise modalities, including arm ergometry, cycle ergometry, elliptical crosstrainer exercise, recumbent stepper exercise, vertical stairstepping, treadmill running, and treadmill walking have published prediction equations to estimate the oxygen consumption during exercise. From data collected in the laboratory with indirect calorimetry, multiple regression analysis has been used to develop prediction equations based on the relationship between mechanical workloads and the corresponding metabolic cost. To develop more accurate and valid estimates of oxygen consumption, these equations have periodically been researched to evaluate their accuracy and usefulness. Metabolic equations for the prediction of energy expenditure during common exercises are presented in Table 2

  • Is it safe for me to perform an exercise test that uses indirect calorimetry, given my current medical condition?
  • What are some of the risks of performing an exercise test that uses indirect calorimetry?
  • How can the results of my exercise test with indirect calorimetry be used to improve health and performance?
  • Can you refer me to a facility that does exercise testing with indirect calorimetry?



American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014.

Porcari, John P., Cedric X. Bryant, and Fabio Comana. Exercise Physiology. Philadelphia: Davis, 2015.


Blair, Steven N., et al. “Physical Fitness and All-Cause Mortality: A Prospective Study of Healthy Men and Women” JAMA 262, no. 17 (November 3, 1989): 2395–401.

Paffenbarger, Jr., R. S., et al. “Physical Activity, All-Cause Mortality, and Longevity of College Alumni” New England Journal of Medicine 314, no. 10 (March 6, 1989): 605–13.


Robergs, Robert. “Indirect Calorimetry” University of New Mexico. (accessed February 5, 2017).


American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), 401 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN, 46202-3233, (317) 637-9200, Fax: (317) 634-7817, .

American Council on Exercise, 4851 Paramount Dr., San Diego, CA, 92123, (858) 576-6500, (888) 825-3636, ext. 782, Fax: (858) 576-6564, .

Lance C. Dalleck, PhD

  This information is not a tool for self-diagnosis or a substitute for professional care.